Sagre delle Castagne 2017
We’re always told that BorgoTarese “just want to be happy and have fun”. That sounds like a reasonable aspiration to me! We arrived back home on Thursday, and Friday started the celebrations for La Sagre delle Castagne – the Chestnut Festival! I love parties, and I love chestnuts, so that was fine by me. The music was a bit loud Saturday night while we were trying to get over our jet lag, but being happy and having fun requires sacrifice 🙂
Chestnuts are a local delicacy here in the Appenini mountains of Emilia-Romagna. They are simple, and yet elegant all at the same time. I love them roasted and hot, walking through the city on a cold day. And recipes using chestnut flour abound, from pasta made with chestnut flower, to chestnut pancakes. And here in BorgoTaro, the porcini capital of the world, chestnuts and mushrooms herald autumn like nothing else. Menus are stuffed full of both of these wonders. And the streets are full of vendors selling local wares and specialties. Here are few of the goodies we ran into yesterday.
Autumn is truly a great time to be here in BorgoTaro. Keep that in mind if you are planning an “off season” trip to Italy!!!

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