How many days?
So, as we’ve been mentioning, we had a whirlwind of activity getting moved into our apartment. I have to say, one of my biggest language goofs came this week. After only one day of looking for an apartment, we found … Continue reading →
We have keys!
There is a stereotype about Italy that generally assumes that everything takes forever, that there is a huge amount of bureaucracy and red tape, and that it’s difficult generally to get anything done. We’ve never really found that to be … Continue reading →
The street where we live
Now that we’ve found an apartment, it’s exciting to say that this is our street! It’s not in the middle of the old town, but just on the edge. And it’s a pedestrian area (or at least “traffico limitato – … Continue reading →
Without the Internet we’d have been tired!
We arrived in Italy with three rolling suitcases, a computer case, a backpack and this . . . I do wish I had taken a picture of all of our luggage, as the visual would have been good. Now, … Continue reading →
Hello Italy. Oops! No money!
Well, we did have a little money – maybe €5 – but somehow we managed to not have any money returning on this trip. Maybe we misplaced it somewhere in our move, etc., but we landed in Italy with the … Continue reading →