Without the Internet we’d have been tired!
We arrived in Italy with three rolling suitcases, a computer case, a backpack and this . . .

This was just a little part of our mass of stuff.
I do wish I had taken a picture of all of our luggage, as the visual would have been good. Now, remember the ordeal we had with not being able to get money out of the ATM? This continued as we arrived in BorgoTaro. We had intended to grab a taxi to our hotel. When we arrived at the train station, I tried one last time to see if I could get money at the ATM there, but no. So, we had little money, and no taxi was at the stand. Hey – it’s only a 20 minute walk or so . . . And They’re Off!
As we got down the road a bit past the elementary school, we saw another ATM, and decided to see if it would work. No. So we gathered our luggage and headed back out down the street, only to hear “Danita! Joe!”. As we turned around, we saw a friend who many years ago we had met on Facebook! It had been two years since she saw us in person, but she recognized us, and stopped to give us a ride 🙂
Without the Internet we’d have been tired! — No Comments
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