Home » Danita’s Guide to acquiring the Carta di Soggiorno (Residence Card)


Danita’s Guide to acquiring the Carta di Soggiorno (Residence Card) — 1 Comment

  1. I sure wish I had seen this post about a year ago becuase I to was going overboard with documents and stress. Thanks for posting now though. Hopefully it will help others avoid some of the “Italian bureaucracy” we’ve been through.
    The first time we went to the Questura, within the 8 days of arrival to the EU in October of last year, I got my appointment for May, 2018. After about 2 months of talking about it with Italian friends and relative who didn’t think it should take that long, one of them had a connection in one of the unions in Verona. We got a list of documents needed, got them all together and went back to the Questura, with our “interpreter” to see if we could get a sooner appointment because my wife had to be back in the States for medical appointments in March. At the Questura all they did was give us an email address to request a sooner appointment. The was on a Thursday and they replied the following Monday but I didn’t see it until the following Wednesday because it went to my spam folder. We went the next day and got an appointment for the following week on 23 December. At the appointment they asked for copies of our passports, marriage certificate registered at the commune and my wife’s Italian ID card. I had proof of medical coverage and income, an electric bill with our address, and copies of every page of my passport, but they never asked for it. After they got through my documents I got fingerprinted which we saw as the most positive thing yet. They then explained that a police officer would pay us a visit within about 2 months to verify that I lived there and come back on 31 January to pick it up. He came on 12 January. My wife was home, but I wasn’t so all he wanted to see was my passport or a copy which my wife couldn’t find so he gave her a number to call on Monday with the number. Went back to pick it up, but of course it wasn’t ready. She said come back in 2 hours to get it and don’t bother with a number to wait, just come back to see her at 1100. I finally got it and discovered that it was valid for 5 years. I was expecting a year, maybe. Finally something good we weren’t expecting. After all of this we decided not to persue my citizenship which is yet another long, drawn out story.

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