Buon Natale a tutti!
We just finished Christmas lunch (it’s 3:30 pm) at one of our favorite restaurants (which is closing at the end of the year 🙁 ).

I’m not sure I can even add any words to explain how good it was – so here are the photos, with brief explanations of the dishes!
Let’s start out with a small aperitivo taste of smoked salmon, and salami with hard boiled eggs.
Now the menu begins. Tris di Antipasti consisted of a bresaola salad (bresaola is a cold cut made from beef), salmon vinaigrette, and sacchetti con le verdure e pesto (little vegetable pockets with pesto sauce.

Moving on to the primo course, we have two dishes – anolini in brodo (a soup with wonderful little stuffed rings of pasta), and Maltagliati al Sugo di Noci. Maltagliato roughly translates to “badly cut” or a very rough and non- uniform fresh pasta that is very evocative of Emilia-Romagna. And pasta with a nut sauce is extremely typical for Christmas up here where we live.

The main course (secondo) was a simple (simple???) roast capon with roasted potatoes.
Followed by dessert with some wonderful Zibibbo wine, also knowns as Muscat of Alexandria. As the dessert came out, I let out an audible sigh. Roberto, our head waiter just said “that’s your problem” 🙂 – I managed to fight my way through to some coffee at the end.

Okay – seriously- naptime!
Buon Natale!

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